About Us

About Us

We are a Pre-K only school, that is part of the Edmond Public School District. Students must be 4 on or before September 1st of the school year, but not older than 5.

The mission at Edmond Early Childhood Center is to provide children a safe and secure environment where the foundation for lifelong learning begins and where children feel nurtured, respected, and valued as they build the skills to become independent learners.

What can we offer you and your child?

  • Free half day programs  AM class 8:15 -11:00, PM class 12:15-3:00

  • Free full day program 8:50-3:00, with Before/After Care paid option

  • A teaching and support staff that exhibit a nurturing and loving environment geared entirely towards fostering the healthy development of young children.

  • Early Childhood Certified teachers

  • 10-1 child/staff ratio

  • Large classrooms

  • Age appropriate playground

  • A system that encourages open communication between teachers, students and parents.

  • Weekly classroom newsletter

  • Children participate in “Student Led Conference”

  • Three quarterly district wide progress reports

  • A balanced and strong foundation of emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development for each child.

  • Balanced approach to literacy instruction

  • Emphasis on reading readiness

  • Incorporate hands on math/science